
Python Banking Project [With Source Code] in 2024

The banking sector has many applications for programming and IT solutions. If you’re interested in working on a project for the banking sector, then you’ve come to the right place. let me introduce you to detailed banking project in Python so you can get started with ease. I’ll provide you with the simple banking System in Python with source code so you can understand and customize it according to your needs. Let’s get started on this Python banking project journey together!


Before you start working on the Python banking project we’ve discussed here, you should first be familiar with the following topics. This way, you wouldn’t face any difficulty while working on the project.

Programming in Python

To create a proper banking solution in Python, you should be familiar with the basics of this language. We also recommend that you understand how the code works before you copy it or start using it as a component in your project. Make sure that you know programming well. 

Experience in Working on Projects

You should have some experience in working on Python projects before working on this Python banking project. It is an essential part of data science. It’s not a beginner-level task and might cause you confusion at some instances if you’re inexperienced. 

Database Management

A large section of our project focuses on database management. You’ll have to create a database for the banking solution to facilitate its functioning. You should be familiar with the basics of database management. 

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Banking Project in Python

The Problem

Customer experience is an integral part of a bank’s operations. That’s why banks focus a lot on improving customer experience by removing hassles and enhancing the facilities they provide. Opening a new account in a bank usually requires a person to visit the bank, fill out a form, and submit the necessary papers. All of these tasks take up a lot of time and dampen the overall customer experience. Moreover, many people have to take time out of their schedules to go to a bank.

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The Solution

You can solve this problem by creating a software solution where people can sign up and open a new account in a bank digitally. This way, the person wouldn’t have to visit the bank physically and thus, would save a lot of time and effort. The banking management system can also allow the user to make transactions, deposit and withdraw funds, and check the account balance. 

Your solution would need an admin section which would look after the users’ accounts and the overall wellbeing of the database. You’ll have to connect the software to a database which will store all user information in distinct storage.

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How to Make the Project More Challenging

While this project is quite challenging, you can enhance its difficulty and take it a level further. To do so, you can add a layer of security, so the user’s data remains safe. Your software can have a login window where every user has to enter the password and username to access their accounts. You can also add a feature of opening multiple types of accounts. For example, banks offer Current accounts, Savings accounts, and others. Different accounts can have various facilities. 

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Source Code for Python Banking Project

Here’s bank management system project in Python with source code. The following program has these features:

  • It allows users to open new accounts
  • Users can make transactions by entering the respective amounts
  • Users can check the balance of their accounts
  • Admin can view a list of users to see how many users there are along with their details

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As you can see, it is quite basic, and you can add more functionalities according to your requirements. 

import pickle
import os
import pathlib
class Account :
   accNo = 0
   name = "
   type = "
   def createAccount(self):
       self.accNo= int(input("Enter the account no : ")) = input("Enter the account holder name : ")
       self.type = input("Ente the type of account [C/S] : ")
       self.deposit = int(input("Enter The Initial amount(>=500 for Saving and >=1000 for current"))
       print("\n\n\nAccount Created")
   def showAccount(self):
       print("Account Number : ",self.accNo)
       print("Account Holder Name : ",
       print("Type of Account",self.type)
       print("Balance : ",self.deposit)

   def modifyAccount(self):
       print("Account Number : ",self.accNo) = input("Modify Account Holder Name :")
       self.type = input("Modify type of Account :")
       self.deposit = int(input("Modify Balance :"))

   def depositAmount(self,amount):
       self.deposit += amount  

   def withdrawAmount(self,amount):
       self.deposit -= amount  

   def report(self):
       print(self.accNo, " ", ," ",self.type," ", self.deposit)  

   def getAccountNo(self):
       return self.accNo

   def getAcccountHolderName(self):

   def getAccountType(self):
       return self.type

   def getDeposit(self):
       return self.deposit

def intro():
   print("\t\t\t\tBANK MANAGEMENT SYSTEM")
   print("\t\t\t\tBrought To You By:")

def writeAccount():
   account = Account()

def displayAll():
   file = pathlib.Path("")
   if file.exists ():
       infile = open('','rb')
       mylist = pickle.load(infile)
       for item in mylist :
           print(item.accNo," ",, " ",item.type, " ",item.deposit )
   else :
       print("No records to display")

def displaySp(num):
   file = pathlib.Path("")
   if file.exists ():
       infile = open('','rb')
       mylist = pickle.load(infile)
       found = False
       for item in mylist :
           if item.accNo == num :
               print("Your account Balance is = ",item.deposit)
               found = True
   else :
       print("No records to Search")
   if not found :
       print("No existing record with this number")

def depositAndWithdraw(num1,num2):
   file = pathlib.Path("")
   if file.exists ():
       infile = open('','rb')
       mylist = pickle.load(infile)
       for item in mylist :
           if item.accNo == num1 :
               if num2 == 1 :
                   amount = int(input("Enter the amount to deposit : "))
                   item.deposit += amount
                   print("Your account is updted")
               elif num2 == 2 :
                   amount = int(input("Enter the amount to withdraw : "))
                   if amount <= item.deposit :
                       item.deposit -=amount
                   else :
                       print("You cannot withdraw larger amount")              
   else :
       print("No records to Search")
   outfile = open('','wb')
   pickle.dump(mylist, outfile)
   os.rename('', '')  

def deleteAccount(num):
   file = pathlib.Path("")
   if file.exists ():
       infile = open('','rb')
       oldlist = pickle.load(infile)
       newlist = []
       for item in oldlist :
           if item.accNo != num :
       outfile = open('','wb')
       pickle.dump(newlist, outfile)
       os.rename('', '')  

def modifyAccount(num):
   file = pathlib.Path("")
   if file.exists ():
       infile = open('','rb')
       oldlist = pickle.load(infile)
       for item in oldlist :
           if item.accNo == num :
      = input("Enter the account holder name : ")
               item.type = input("Enter the account Type : ")
               item.deposit = int(input("Enter the Amount : "))      
       outfile = open('','wb')
       pickle.dump(oldlist, outfile)
       os.rename('', '')
def writeAccountsFile(account) :  
   file = pathlib.Path("")
   if file.exists ():
       infile = open('','rb')
       oldlist = pickle.load(infile)
   else :
       oldlist = [account]
   outfile = open('','wb')
   pickle.dump(oldlist, outfile)
   os.rename('', '')
# start of the program
while ch != 8:
   print("\tMAIN MENU")
   print("\t1. NEW ACCOUNT")
   print("\t2. DEPOSIT AMOUNT")
   print("\t3. WITHDRAW AMOUNT")
   print("\t4. BALANCE ENQUIRY")
   print("\t5. ALL ACCOUNT HOLDER LIST")
   print("\t6. CLOSE AN ACCOUNT")
   print("\t7. MODIFY AN ACCOUNT")
   print("\t8. EXIT")
   print("\tSelect Your Option (1-8) ")
   ch = input()
   if ch == '1':
   elif ch =='2':
       num = int(input("\tEnter The account No. : "))
       depositAndWithdraw(num, 1)
   elif ch == '3':
       num = int(input("\tEnter The account No. : "))
       depositAndWithdraw(num, 2)
   elif ch == '4':
       num = int(input("\tEnter The account No. : "))bottom
   elif ch == '5':
   elif ch == '6':
       num =int(input("\tEnter The account No. : "))
   elif ch == '7':
       num = int(input("\tEnter The account No. : "))
   elif ch == '8':
       print("\tThanks for using bank management system")
   else :
       print("Invalid choice")  
   ch = input("Enter your choice : ")

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Python is increasingly being utilized in the banking sector due to its versatility and efficiency in managing financial operations. For students working on the bank management system python project Class 12, Python offers a powerful platform to develop practical skills in banking software. This project typically includes features like account creation, balance inquiry, deposits, and withdrawals, which are essential functions in a banking environment.

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Python is widely used in banking for tasks such as data analysis, risk management, and automating financial processes due to its versatility and powerful libraries.

The Python Banking Project is an invaluable opportunity for professionals to elevate their programming prowess while immersing themselves in the dynamics of financial systems. With a foundation in Python and project experience, one can seamlessly tackle the prerequisites and delve into the nuances of database management within the banking realm. To amplify the challenge, I can explore integrating advanced functionalities like encryption algorithms or real-time transaction monitoring. Furthermore, the availability of source code streamlines the learning process, empowering me to customize and innovate. For those aiming to deepen their Python expertise and its application in finance, considering avenues like an Executive PG Programme in Data Science can provide a structured path to mastery. Ultimately, this project serves as a launchpad for continual growth and expertise in both programming and financial technology. 

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What is the significance of working on live projects?

Working on live projects is very beneficial for a growing programming geek. There are multiple reasons why we strongly recommend you to keep working on projects: When you apply your theoretical learning in building something practical, your confidence goes on to the next level and gives you a feeling that you actually know something of value. Experimenting clears all your doubts that theory cannot. When you try to apply something and fail, it’s not a setback. It solves your confusion about the particular implementation and provides you with multiple other ways to implement it. The biggest benefit that working on projects provides is that it polishes your programming skills. Just watching video solutions does not help you get anywhere. You need practical implementation of your learning in order to master it.

What is the logic behind the bank management system project?

This bank management system is beginner-friendly and is based on all the beginner’s concepts. This project performs all the significant features of banking software. You can create a new login user-id, view your credit and withdrawal records and statements, send and receive money, and edit your account information.

Describe some project ideas similar to the bank management system.

There are several project ideas that can be built using Python. Following are some of the most popular ones: A pharmacy management system should implement the functionalities such as an ordering system, inventory management, invoicing system, and additional functionality for prescribing medicines. Hotel Management System is a project that should include features such as a reservation system, room management, housekeeping management, and invoice automation. A student management system should include functionalities such as profile management, account management, student record system, and hostel management.

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