
How to Create a Sign-Up Form Using React JS

Introduction to Sign-Up Forms in React JS

React JS is a popular JavaScript library developers use worldwide to build interactive user interfaces. It helps create reusable UI components and update and render them based on data changes.

Sign-up forms are essential for many websites, enabling users to create accounts and access various features and functionalities. This blog will focus on creating a sign-up or registration form with React JS.

Setting Up the Development Environment

Follow these steps to set up your development environment and begin creating the sign-up page with React JS:-

  • Install Node.js: Ensure Node.js is installed on your system. React JS is highly reliant on it. Download the latest version from the official Node.js website.
  • Create a New React Project: Open your terminal or command prompt and navigate to the desired directory where you want the project. To generate a new React project with the Create React App, run the following command npx create-react-app sign-up-form

This command will create a new “sign-up-form” folder with all the necessary project files and dependencies.

  • Access the Project Directory: Once the project is generated, navigate to the project directory using the following command cd sign-up-form.
  • Launch the Development Server: Commence the development server by executing the following command npm start.

This command will initiate the development server and automatically open your React app in the default browser.

  • Clean Up the Project: The default Create React App setup includes a sample app. Remove unnecessary files and modify the App.js file to prepare it for the sign-up form component.

Creating the Sign-Up Form Component

Steps to create the signup page in React JS component:

  • Open your preferred code editor and navigate to the project.
  • Inside the “src” folder, create a new folder named “components” to hold the form-related components. Within “components,” make a new file with any desired name.
  • Open “SignUpForm.js” and import React and any necessary components or libraries:

import React from ‘react’;

  • Create a functional component named SignUpForm to contain the form’s HTML markup and logic
  • Within the SignUpForm component, define the form elements using HTML tags and React JSX syntax.
  • Apply desired styling or class names to the form elements using HTML attributes or CSS-in-JS libraries like styled components or CSS modules.
  • Handle form submission by attaching an event handler to the form element. Use the useState hook to manage form input values and the onSubmit event to manage form submission.
  • Within the handleSubmit function, define the logic to handle form data, such as making API requests, performing validation, or updating the application state.
  • Export the SignUpForm component at the end of the file export default SignUpForm;

Adding Input Fields and Handling User Input

Follow these steps to incorporate input fields into the signup page in React JS and handle user input:

  • Use HTML input elements with appropriate attributes (e.g., type, id, name) within the form component to represent the form fields (e.g., name, email, password).
  • Employ React’s useState hook to manage user input. Create state variables (e.g., name, email, password) and their respective setter functions.
  • Assign onChange event handlers to the input fields and link them to the corresponding setter functions. This ensures that user input updates the associated state variables.
  • Users enter data into the input fields, and the onChange event triggers the relevant setter function, updating the corresponding state variable with the entered value.

Implementing Form Validation with React

Implement form validation with React with these steps:

  • Set up a state variable to store form validation errors. Initialise it as an empty object. For instance, const [errors, setErrors] = useState({});
  • Create a validation function to check the form fields and return any errors found.
  • Develop a form submission event handler. Validate the form data using the validation function and update the error state accordingly.
  • Display the validation errors for each form field in the JSX, providing feedback to the user.

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Styling the Sign-Up Form With CSS

Style the sign-up form in React JS with CSS with these steps:

  • Choose your preferred CSS approach — inline styles, CSS modules, or a CSS-in-JS library like styled-components.
  • For inline styles, add the style attribute directly to JSX elements like:
<input type="text" style={{ color: white, backgroundColor: 'black' }} />
  • For CSS modules, create a separate CSS file, and import it into your component:
import styles from './SignUpForm.module.css';
  • Apply the defined styles using the corresponding class names. For instance:
<input type="text" className={styles.inputField} />

<button className={styles.submitButton}>Sign Up</button>
  • If using a CSS-in-JS library like styled-components, install and import the library, then define and apply the styles directly within the component.

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Submitting Form Data to a Server With React

Follow these steps to submit form data to a server with React while developing a registration page in React JS:

  • Create a form submission event handler in your component. This function will be triggered when the form is submitted.
  • Inside the event handler, prevent the default form submission behaviour using event.preventDefault() to avoid page reloading.
  • Collect the form data from the input fields. Access the input field values using the object and retrieve the values based on the field names or IDs.
  • Use the fetch API or a library like Axios to send an HTTP POST request to the form data server. Specify the server URL and the data to be sent in the request body.

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Handling Server Responses and Error Messages

Follow these steps to handle server responses and display error messages while developing a sign-up or a registration form in React JS:

  • Inside your form submission event handler, handle the server response by chaining a .then() block after the fetch request. This block will be executed following a successful server response.
  • In the .then() block, check the response status and perform the appropriate actions based on the server’s response. You can parse the response using .json() or other methods depending on the response format.
  • If the server response indicates success, play a success message. You can also perform other desired actions in response to a successful submission.
  • Display an error message to the user in case of an error. You can set an error state variable and update it with the error message from the server.

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Implementing Redirects After Successful Sign-Up

Follow these steps to implement redirects after a successful sign-up in React:

  • Set up a state variable to track the sign-up success status in your sign-up form component. Initialise it as false initially.
  • After successful form submission and server response indicating a successful sign-up, update the sign-up success state variable to true.
  • Import the Redirect component from the React Router library at the top of your component file import { Redirect } from ‘react-router-dom’;
  • Inside your component’s render method or JSX, add a conditional check to render the Redirect component when the sign-up success state variable is true. Specify the desired route/path you want to redirect the user.

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Best Practices for Sign-Up Form Design in React JS

Consider the following best practices when designing a sign-up form in React JS:

  • Keep the form simple and user-friendly: Use a clean, intuitive design with clear labels and instructions for each form field.
  • Ensure responsive design: Make sure the form is mobile-friendly and adjusts well to different screen sizes. Test the form on various devices and consider using responsive CSS frameworks.
  • Implement real-time validation: Validate user input as they type and provide immediate feedback on errors or missing information.
  • Use appropriate input types and field validation: Choose the appropriate HTML input types (e.g., email, password) to enable browser-level validation where applicable.
  • Secure password handling: Apply best practices for password security, such as requiring a minimum length and enforcing complexity requirements.
  • Employ error handling: Display clear error messages to the user when form submission fails due to server or validation errors and network issues.
  • Implement accessibility features: Ensure the sign-up form is accessible to users with disabilities. Use semantic HTML, and provide descriptive labels.
  • Optimise performance: Minimise unnecessary re-renders using React’s memorisation techniques for components and event handlers, such as memo and useCallback.

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Creating a sign-up form in React JS involves designing a user-friendly interface, implementing validation and error handling, optimising performance, and prioritising user privacy and data security. Following the best practices can enhance user experience, ensure accurate data entry, and protect user information.

Learn more about creating a registration form in React JS by signing up for an Executive PG Programme in Full Stack Development from IIITB, offered by upGrad.


How does the login function work in React JS?

The login function in React JS involves capturing user credentials, sending them to the server for authentication, and handling the server's response to grant access to the authenticated user.

How can one submit a registration form in React JS?

To submit a form with React JS, you can use the onSubmit event handler on the form element and handle the form submission logic within the event handler function.

Which form library is best in React JS?

Choosing the best form library in React JS depends on specific requirements. Popular options include Formik, react-hook-form, and Redux-Form.

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